129: After the Millennials – Leveraging the Strengths of Generation Z with Futurist Anne Boysen

129: After the Millennials – Leveraging the Strengths of Generation Z with Futurist Anne Boysen

Every generation has experienced a unique set of circumstances and key historical events that have helped shape their shared values and their way of looking at the world. Today, with Generation Z’ers flooding into the workplace, it is increasingly important for leaders and managers to understand generational trends in order to leverage Generation Z’s potential. Anne Boysen, futurist and generational expert, has studied and analyzed our youngest generation since the beginning, and joins Halelly on this episode of The TalentGrow Show to share generational insights that will help you work with and lead Generation Z. Tune in to discover Anne’s framework for analyzing generational trends, which trends leaders and managers of Gen Z’ers should be paying attention to today, and what it means when we say that Gen Z’ers are ‘solutionists’ and ‘technology natives’. Plus, find out what large organizations can do to stay relevant amidst the rise of micro-organizations and freelancing! Listen and share with others in your network.

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125: Navigating Generational Trends in the Workplace with Bruce Tulgan

125: Navigating Generational Trends in the Workplace with Bruce Tulgan

As leaders, paying attention to the important generational trends and shifts that underlie the surface stereotypes can give us great insight into managing the people on our team. Bruce Tulgan, an author specializing in management training and generational diversity in the workforce, joins Halelly on this episode of The TalentGrow Show to talk about how to help leaders successfully navigate generational trends in the workplace. We discuss what Generation Z wants from leaders, how leadership expectations differ from Generation X to Generation Z, and what we can do to better lead different generations in the workplace. Tons of interesting insights and actionable tips. Listen here and don’t forget to share this episode with others in your network!

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Ep053: How to ditch generational stereotypes and optimize leadership with Jessica Kriegel

Ep053: How to ditch generational stereotypes and optimize leadership with Jessica Kriegel

In this episode of the TalentGrow Show, Jessica Kriegel, author of Unfairly Labeled: How Your Workplace Can Benefit From Ditching Generational Stereotypes, explains everything wrong with the idea of generational differences. She shows how most of the information we read and hear about generational differences is actually built on a “bed of lies”—scant anecdotal research, contradictions, and oversimplification. In her interesting discussion with host Halelly Azulay, Jessica offers insights from her own research and specific examples to show us the ways we’re harming ourselves and our businesses by clinging to what amounts to stereotyping and bias. Jessica offers actionable advice and calls on us all to completely ditch this type of labeling, suggesting it can be life-changing!

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Ep042: Leadership advice for Millennial leaders or those who lead them and insight on the future of work with Alexandra Levit

Ep042: Leadership advice for Millennial leaders or those who lead them and insight on the future of work with Alexandra Levit

Ah, “Millennials” … whether you love them, love to hate ‘em, ARE one of them, or think the whole thing is a bunch of stereotypical bologna, they are certainly discussed a lot in today’s world of work. In this podcast episode, Halelly’s guest, author, speaker, futurist, and workplace consultant and expert Alexandra Levit, shares her expertise from her best-selling books and consulting work to help us figure out how to lead them, or how to develop your career as a leader if you are one of them. She also discusses the next generation of workers – Gen Z, some fascinating workplace future trends (hello robots!) and what they might hold in store for us, and how to prepare ourselves to succeed in this new world order. And of course, we focus on making it a very actionable conversation with tips and advice you can use immediately after listening. So, take a listen, share with others, and don’t forget to give us an iTunes review and rating so more people can discover the show (THANKS in advance)!

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